Lullaby, launched by Mystic Vintage in 2010, is a frame collection which was inspired by music culture and iconic vintage designs of the 70's. Engraved on the underside of the frames are song lyrics from classic British rock bands like The Cure and Green Day and Swedish electro pop duo, The Knife.
Totally a collection perfect for all you music lovers out there.
• Features metal bridge reminiscent of the iconic 70's look
• Available in Tortoise-shell and Grey Tone
Mystic Vintage is the story of three friends Alvin, Jason and San, who share a common love for vintage glasses. With that passion, they decided to put together their prized collection under a label and Mystic Vintage was born. Mystic Vintage is an eyewear brand which carries the finest lineage of iconic and vintage frames.
Mayday, Mayday Control is a collection inspired by the history of Aviator sunglasses. Back in...
WHAT SORCERY IS THIS?Get captivated by Sorcery, a collection inspired by... Magic. This collection features...